
Friday, August 22, 2014

First Week of School

We've had quite a successful first week of school. Students have been coming on time and seem excited about getting back into the swing of things. The teachers in the auditorium in the morning have planned something fun for each morning so the students will look forward to finishing breakfast quickly and joining in. Today was Film-Flick Friday! Students are anxious to begin reading and taking AR quizzes... which I am thrilled to hear! I am getting everything set up so that books can be checked out with the 2nd - 5th grade classes next week. The first graders will follow suit soon, as well.
I spoke with Mr. Roberts-the Spanish teacher, Ms. Cosnahan- the music teacher, and Mrs. Ross- the computer technician, and we were all so proud of the students' behavior during their special subject classes this week, and this gets us excited about the new year! In these special subject classes, students have been focusing on the PYP attitude of cooperation. Davis Magnet students are considered being an "international student" by demonstrating cooperation, collaboration, and leading or following as the situation demands. Check with your child each Monday to see if he or she was an international student for the past week.

Don't forget to check the Davis Magnet web page each week to find notes from the principal and classroom newsletters!
Here are some pictures from our first day.

School is in session!

Brand new kindergarten student being walked in by his dad!

Posing for a picture for her mom (off screen) on the first day!

Ava, mom, and lots of school supplies! She's ready to learn!

The whole family is walking in this Davis student!

Ready to begin her last year at Davis!
Students given bus # stickers as they exit on the first day.

Friday, August 15, 2014

And so it begins...

The 2014-15 school year has officially begun, and we are off to a great start! It was awesome seeing our Davis students and hearing about their summers at our Open House night on Thursday. Students had back-packs and school supplies and smiles on their faces. They were happy to meet our new principal, Dr. Grigsby, meet their new teachers, and see friends they haven't seen all summer. I was thrilled to hear that they've been reading this summer and that they are excited to check out some new books from our library. It was especially nice seeing some of our former students and hearing of their great achievements in middle and high school. Our former students always talk about how much they loved their years at Davis. I've loved my years at Davis, too. Looking at all these smiles, I say we're off to another one worth loving!

Ms. Evans and her new student, Kennedy.

Mr. Clark is always up to something!

Sad to lose one Johnson, happy to gain another!

Some former Davis students. What beautiful, strong girls!

Hart is happy his younger brother is joining him this year. We are too!

I asked some students to document the back-to-school night event. I loved seeing their point of view in the photographs. Here are some of their shots: