
Monday, January 19, 2015

Run, Davis, Run!

Many Davis Magnet students woke early on Saturday, January 10, and donned their hats and running shoes and headed downtown to participate in the MS Blues Marathon Kids' Fun Run. It was a chilly morning; even the fountains at Thalia Mara Hall were covered in ice! We had 178 students register for the run, and because of this, Blue Cross Blue Shield recognized Davis with $1500 for our participation! We are already getting excited thinking about what PE/ playground equipment we might use this for!
Davis is so lucky to have such a great IB Coordinator and half-marathon runner, Beth West, organize this for our students. Students even trained with her during their recess, learning the importance of stretching, jogging, and running with a pack. She represents a balanced IB learner and has modeled to the students the importance of balancing the intellectual, physical, and emotional aspects of our lives to achieve well-being.

Enjoy the pictures!